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Insights For You

With the good fortune to have been on the Insights Discovery training programme last month, I am now an accredited facilitator in this awesome personality profiling and team building tool …Yahoo!

When I am to reflect on the benefits to organisations; Insights provides you with a great starting point for building personal insight and self-improvement across areas of personal and interpersonal effectiveness as well as the potential to elevate leadership impact.

Viewing this through the lens of a client, Insights provides an important launch pad to grow and develop people, the dynamics and culture within their team as well as external business relationships and opportunities for growth.

As we reflect on the wider benefits for organisations when they invest in Insights Discovery, it’s interesting to consider some of the key leader competencies and the link with building self-awareness and effectiveness in our interactions with others.

Some of these leader competencies include; building trusting relationships and networks, effective communication and having the ability to coach and motivate others, creating an inclusive culture, driving successful customer engagements and sales transformation, being adaptable, an active learner and driving for results[1].

None of these behaviours fully develop unless an individual first understands self and how they operate within a group environment to effectively interact with others. Insights Discovery provides you with such understanding and opportunity to act.

Insights Discovery is a flexible and dynamic tool, which provides individual information for self-development as well as an effective platform to explore how best to perform as a team.

Completing a personality profile gives you with a report rich with information about your own style, blind spots, key strengths and areas for development, how you are best motivated and managed, what your contribution is to a team environment. Combined with 1-1 feedback, individuals receive a personalised session to absorb and fully understand their profile. With the option of specific chapters on sales effectiveness and communication, Insights really provides you with practical points for development which are relevant for your personal and business growth.

When using the tool in a group the session is lively, interactive and full of tailoured exercises to fit your business context.

A bit about the background of the tool - Insights Discovery draws on the research base of Carl Jung and brings to life different personality types which provide you with self-insight and the information you need to build effective team. The key concepts of personality difference stem from an individual’s orientation to decision making, perception and whether they are intuitive or sensory in their approach to life. Insights has created a comprehensive wheel of 72 types and your placement on the wheel is determined by your answers to 10-15 minutes of simple profiling questions.

[1] These competencies we have identified through organisational research from Development Dimensions International as well as our development consulting work.

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